mercredi, 29 avril 2009

Engineering Windows 7 : Some Changes Since Beta for the RC

As much as I would love to have them post an RTM date in Windows 7, some of the updates and changes that they’ve made since the beta came out is still pretty exciting.  It’s even kind of exciting to see that some of the items listed on the page at the link below are ones, more or less, that I gave some feedback on. 

Stephanie and I have been beta testing Windows 7 since it came out in January.  It is really cool.  If you think that Vista is cool, and I hope you do because it is WAAAAAAAY better than XP, Windows 7 is really cutting edge and cool!  It’s definitely not just a much prettier version, either.  They are really focused on letting the customer take control of layout and features and have designed it to be incredibly easy to use. 

Personally, I have been digging into development, diagnostic, and other utility features the most.  Even though it requires a bit of both onboard and video RAM to process a lot of the features that it has, it handles and manages system resources beautifully.  Anyway, have a look at the blog -> here, as well as at the link below for more.

Engineering Windows 7 : Some Changes Since Beta for the RC

1 commentaires:

Stephanie a dit…

And it makes old, slow computers run faster!