mardi, 18 mars 2008

Guitar Hero

For my birthday, Steph gave me Guitar Hero III for the Wii. It's a lot of fun, even if objects around the room seem to be morphing after you've jammed a few sessions.

So, here is Steph herself rocking. Just look at that concentration there. One of the tough things is that both of us really only know songs that are from the 80's and 90's, with a few from the 70's as well. All the ones from the 2000's are unknown to us so we just have to pick up on the beat and do our best. A lot of them we just play through once anyway just to unlock other songs.

Steph did buy a second guitar as well so that we can have a co-op career, battle, and faceoff between ourselves and others.

2 commentaires:

Stephanie a dit…

Don't make us sound too old! It is not that we are unfamiliar with the songs because they are in the 2000s, it is because we really do not listen to that type of music much. The Pearl Jsm, Weezer, type songs we are familiar with, but not the Slayer songs just because we do not listen to that genre of music much, if at all. Guitar Hero is fun though, and now that you are done with your finals we can rock even more!

Christina a dit…

We challenge you and Stephanie to a Guitar Hero dual when we come into town!